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Safety Guidelines for Medical Oxygen and Nitronox Cylinders

1. Product Label Guidance

Key Safety Information:

  • Each cylinder is equipped with a product label containing important guidelines.
  • Pay close attention to the dos and don'ts provided on the label.

2. Fire Risk Mitigation

Managing the Main Risk:

  • The primary risk associated with medical oxygen is fire.
  • Oxygen enrichment significantly increases the potential for combustion.
  • Ensure cylinders are not stored near naked flames or exposed to extreme heat.
  • Keep them away from environments with oil and grease, as they can react with oxygen.

3. Nitronox Cylinder Safety

Similar Precautions Apply:

  • Since Nitronox contains 50% oxygen, safety measures mirror those for medical oxygen.

4. Handling Damaged Cylinders

Dealing with Physical Damage:

  • If a cylinder displays signs of physical damage, isolate it immediately.
  • Attach a label or secure it in a locked cabinet to prevent use.
  • Contact the supplier promptly to arrange a cylinder replacement.

5. Transporting Damaged Cylinders

Exercising Caution During Transport:

  • If a damaged cylinder needs transportation, proceed with caution.
  • Consider contacting the supplier for on-site collection.
  • If necessary, set the cylinder to low flow rates and vent it outdoors, not indoors.